Conditions :

Eligibility for a loan is determined by the lender or bank on the basis of a number of factors. The administrative status of the borrower In order to be able to borrow, you must first of all :

  • Be over 18 years of age
  • Being a resident
  • Enjoy your civil rights

The bank then focuses its attention on the borrower's debt capacity. The debt capacity simply means the maximum amount you can spend each month on repaying your consumer credit. In short, it allows you to assess your solvency. Different from the borrowing capacity, the debt capacity is calculated from your debt ratio. As a reminder, it is obtained by dividing your expenses (including outstanding loans) by your monthly income, then multiplying the result by 100. In theory, it should not exceed 33%, or 1/3 of the borrower's income. However, the bank may reconsider this if the borrower's income and living expenses are comfortable. A debt level of up to 45% is therefore perfectly feasible. But the reverse is also true: if your income and your living expenses are too low, the lender may refuse your profile even if you are well below the theoretical threshold of 33%. Eligibility for consumer credit also depends on the submission of a complete file. This enables the organisation granting the finance to :

  • To check the identity of the borrower;
  • To determine its creditworthiness, which we mentioned earlier;
  • But also to check with the competent authorities that they are not registered in the repayment incident file.

The borrower may refuse to provide certain documents, but in this case the bank will systematically decline the loan application. Proofs for a personal loan or an assigned credit The proofs common to both types of consumer credit are the following:

  • A photocopy of both sides of the borrower's (and potential co-borrower's) identity card, or passport or driving licence;
  • A bank statement (RIB);
  • A photocopy of the last 3 pay slips if the borrower is an employee, or a photocopy of the last tax notice if the borrower is not an employee (same for the co-borrower).
  • Proof of residence for less than three months (e.g. gas, electricity or Internet bill). For an affected loan, the borrower must also provide proof of the future purchase. For example:
  • A photocopy of the vehicle registration document for a used car;
  • A photocopy of the order form for a new car;
  • A photocopy of the quotation or order form for goods in the case of work in the home.
  • So many steps that they won't have to take if they choose to finance their needs with a personal loan!
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